Turkish Lira Today, Turkish Lira Exchange Rates

Turkish Lira is the currency of Turkey. The currency code for Lira is TRY, and the currency symbol is TL. Below, you'll find Turkish Lira rates and a currency converter.
Exchange rate of Turkish Lira (TRY) to other world currencies.
Exchange Rate Currency Name Pairing
1 TRY = 0.043 AUD
Australian Dollar TRY/AUD
1 TRY = 0.1565 BRL
Brazilian Real TRY/BRL
1 TRY = 0.0217 GBP
British Pound TRY/GBP
1 TRY = 0.0512 BGN
Bulgarian Lev TRY/BGN
1 TRY = 0.0389 CAD
Canadian Dollar TRY/CAD
1 TRY = 0.6566 CZK
Czech Republic Koruna TRY/CZK
1 TRY = 0.1954 DKK
Danish Krone TRY/DKK
1 TRY = 0.213 HKD
Hong Kong Dollar TRY/HKD
1 TRY = 10.48 HUF
Hungarian Forint TRY/HUF
1 TRY = 2.3818 INR
Indian Rupee TRY/INR
1 TRY = 262 IDR
Indonesian Rupiah TRY/IDR
1 TRY = 0.0975 ILS
Israeli Shekel TRY/ILS
1 TRY = 4.0938 JPY
Japanese Yen TRY/JPY
1 TRY = 0.1211 MYR
Malaysian Ringgit TRY/MYR
1 TRY = 0.0476 NZD
New Zealand Dollar TRY/NZD
1 TRY = 0.3047 NOK
Norwegian Krone TRY/NOK
1 TRY = 1.5879 PHP
Philippine Peso TRY/PHP
1 TRY = 0.1092 PLN
Polish Zloty TRY/PLN
1 TRY = 0.1304 RON
Romanian Leu TRY/RON
1 TRY = 0.0367 SGD
Singapore Dollar TRY/SGD
1 TRY = 0.5038 ZAR
South African Rand TRY/ZAR
1 TRY = 37.4286 KRW
South Korean Won TRY/KRW
1 TRY = 0.2921 SEK
Swedish Krona TRY/SEK
1 TRY = 0.0247 CHF
Swiss Franc TRY/CHF
1 TRY = 0.9225 THB
Thai Baht TRY/THB
1 TRY = 0.0262 EUR
1 TRY = 0.0274 USD
1 TRY = 0.1989 CNY
Yuan (Chinese) Renminbi TRY/CNY
The exchange rates on this page are the official exchange rates of the European Central Bank (ECB). European Central Bank's Exchange Rate Values are updated every day around 16:00. The daily value of the Euro currency against other currencies is published by the European Central Bank for information purposes.
Currency Converter
Turkish Lira General Information

Turkish lira

The new Turkish lira is the current currency of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, issued on January 1 2005. It is equivalent to 1 million old Turkish lira (which will remain valid until the end of 2005) and divisible into 100 new kurus.